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Alt 11. October 2001, 03:36
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VoodooUT VoodooUT ist offline
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VoodooUT is on a distinguished road
Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

So, ich mach hier einfach mal ein Copy/Paste ... ;D

Command Line Parameters
-alladmin: Enable all players administrative access to the server.
-conflicts: Show objects of different classes whose names conflict.
-editor: Runs Unreal for editing.
-firstrun: Re-asks the "First Run" questions in Unreal.
-log: Runs with the log window initially visible.
-nobind: Don't treat UnrealScript/C++ binding errors as critical, for rebuilding scripts and avoiding the chicken-and-egg binding problem.
-noddraw: Disables DirectDraw support.
-nodsound: Disables DirectSound support.
-nogc: Disables garbage collection.
-nohard: Disables 3d hardware support.
-nok6: Disable AMD K6-3D support.
-nolog: Don't show log window.
-nommx: Disables MMX support.
-noreplace: Don't automatically replace textures, sounds, and music if they are not found.
-nosound: Disables sound.
-nowarn: Disables warning message boxes on the screen.
-profile: When C++ is compiled with DO_SLOW_GUARD=1, generates an UnrealScript function profile using the timings in the most recently played level only.
-make: Rebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files.
-make -h: Rebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files and generate a C++ header for each package.
-safe: Runs Unreal in "safe mode", avoiding loading any device drivers which could crash if there are hardware/driver problems.
-server: Runs as a dedicated server.
-showdep: Causes script compiler to log dependency information when recompiling scripts.
-silent: Run silently, with no log window, and no display of error messages. Critical errors just cause the engine to exit silently.
-strict: Treat all script warnings as critical errors; useful for tracking down the call stack when debugging scripts.
INI=inifilename: Sets the .ini file to use for configuration, normally Unreal.ini.
LOG=logfilename: Uses the specified log file instead of Unreal.log. Useful when running multiple copies on the same machine.
MULTIHOME= Sets the "home" ip address (in numerical format) for Unreal of a machine with multiple network cards.
PORT=num: Sets the UDP port number for the Internet server.
READINI=inifilename: Sets the .ini file for reading only (not for writing); overrides the INI= option.

C++ Console Commands (Only works on the local machine)
ADMIN: Sends a console command to the server you're connected to. You must be an administrator in order to use this.
BRIGHTNESS: Cycle through 10 screen brightness values.
CHAT: Brings up a prompt to type chat text.
CANCEL: Cancels an "open" command in progress that is trying to connect to a network server.
CDTRACK num: Play the specified CD track.
CONSOLE FULL: Make the console fullscreen.
CONSOLE HIDE: Hide the console.
CONSOLE SHOW: Show the console.
CPUSPEED=#: Identify your CPU speed, useful for machines which don't autodetect their speed properly. For example, CPUSPEED=266.
DEBUG CRASH: Test crashing the game by appError.
DEBUG EATMEM: Test allocating memory until it fills up.
DEBUG GPF: Test a general protection fault.
DEBUG RECURSE: Test crash by infinite recursion.
DUMPCACHE: Display the contents of the memory cache GCache.
DUMPNATIVES: Display a list of unused native function ids.
EDITACTOR CLASS=classname: During game play, edits the properties of the nearest actor belonging to that class. Cool for debugging.
ENDFULLSCREEN: Go back to playing in a window.
EXEC filename: Execute the console commands in the filename, default is in the System directory.
EXIT: Exit the program.
FLUSH: Flush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc.
FLY: Fly around (instead of walking). See WALK.
FOV angle: Set the field of view, for example "FOV 90" for 90 degrees.
GHOST: Fly around and go through walls (see WALK).
HIDEACTORS: Hide actors during game play.
JUMPTO x y z: In UnrealEd, move the viewport to a certain X,Y,Z location, useful in conjunction with tester reports generated with the REPORT command.
LOADGAME num: Load a game in position 0-9.
MARK: Mark all objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARKCHECK).
MARKCHECK: Display a list of all unmarked objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARK).
MEM: List memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory-tracking option (it's usually not).
MEMSTAT: Show Windows overall memory statistics.
MUSICORDER num: Change to a certain track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense).
OBJ CLASSES: Prints a list of all loaded classes.
OBJ DEPENDENCIES PACKAGE=pkgname EXCLUDE1=otherpackage EXCLUDE2=otherpackage...: !!
OBJ GARBAGE: Collect and purge garbage ("garbage" means objects which are no longer in use).
OBJ HASH: Show object hashing statistics.
OBJ LINKERS: Show a list of active linkers (each linker is responsible for loading objects from a package file).
OBJ LIST CLASS=objectclass INSIDE=insideclass: List all objects belonging to the class and residing inside the specified object. *If the class isn't specified, lists ALL objects. *If the inside object isn't specified, shows all objects. *Gives a summary of memory usage. *This is very useful during game play for figuring out how much memory is being used. *In UnrealEd, this statistic isn't useful because a huge amount of extra stuff is loaded which might not be used by your map.
OBJ REFS CLASS=objectclass NAME=objectname: Show a list of objects which reference the object you specify. *When trimming memory usage, this is useful for figuring out why some object is being loaded.
OPEN url: Opens a local map (i.e. "unreal.unr&quot or an Internet server (i.e. "" or "unreal.epicgames.com&quot.
PREFERENCES: Displays the preferences in a window.
REPORT: Copies a report of the current gameplay situation to the clipboard. *You can then paste the resulting text into an email program, Notepad, etc. Extremely useful for beta testers, because it dumps the player's X,Y,Z location, the difficulty level, etc.
RMODE: Set the rendering mode. 0-9.
SAVEGAME num: Save the game in a specified position, 0-9.
SHOT: Take a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp.
SHOWACTORS: Shows actors during gameplay.
SOCKETS: In network play, shows a list of network sockets (UNetConnection's) in use.
STAT ACTOR: Shows various statistics.
TOGGLEFULLSCREEN: Toggles fullscreen mode on and off.
TYPE: Types text on the console.
URL urlname: In network play, parses a URL and displays its components.
VIEWUP: Sizes the view up.
VIEWDOWN: Sizes the view down.
WALK: Walk around normally (see FLY, GHOST).

UnrealScript console commands (Can be used by remote administrators)
ADDBOTS <number>: Adds more bots to the game.
ALLAMMO: Gives you all the ammo for your current weapons.
GOD: Makes you invincible.
INVISIBLE: Makes you invisible.
KILLALL <class name>: Kills all actors of a certain class, for example "KILLALL UNREALI.BRUTE".
KILLPAWNS: Kills all monsters.
PLAYERSONLY: Pauses all non-player actors in the game. Cool for debugging scripts, taking screenshots.
SAY <message string>: Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
SLOMO <number>: Sets the game speed, 1.0 is normal.
SETNAME <newname>: Change your name (works in network play too).
SETTEAM <newname>: Change your team (works in network play only when the rules allow).
SUMMON <class name>: Spawns an actor of the specified class (for example, SUMMON UNREALI.BRUTE) in front of the player.
SWITCHCOOPLEVEL <new level URL>: Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level with coop-style weapon carrying between levels.
SWITCHLEVEL <new level URL>: Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level.

Wem noch welche einfallen, der soll sie bitte hier im Thread ergänzen!

