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Alt 6. June 2001, 06:58
Beiträge: n/a
Post Re: normal springen mit "antigrav-boots"

Du müßt zum normallem springen mit Antigrav-Boots die Walk Taste (standard= Shift) festhalten. Um dies auf eine Taste zu legen mußt du nen Alias definieren. Das geht so (nen beispiel für TO)

- Open Unrealtournament/System/User.ini (backup before !)

- Find lines like Aliases[27]=(Command="",Alias=None)

- For example, replace with these ones:
Aliases[26]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 333",Alias=TO_BuyArmorNeeded)
Aliases[27]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 102 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999 | s_kAmmoAuto 999",Alias=TO_BuyDEagle)
Aliases[28]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 113",Alias=TO_BuyGrenadeHE)
Aliases[29]=(Command="s_kAmmoAuto 106",Alias=TO_BuyM3)

- And then assign the alias value to any unused key farther down in the USER.INI :

- And thats all ! Now in the game, press :
A : purchases armor items if you are either not currently wearing an armor item or the armor item you are wearing is more than 50% damaged
G : Buy an HE grenade
P : Buy a Desert Eagle with 3 ammo clips
S : Buy an M3

Hoffe mal das dir das hilft