WordPress: Floatbox Plus Dieses Plugin integriert Floatbox (ein Javascript wie Lightview/box) in WordPress, alle Vorschaubilder mit Link zum Bilder werden automatisch zur Nutzung von Floatbox umgeschrieben (Link: Floatbox Plus)...

Alt 9. April 2010, 17:53
Beiträge: n/a
Setting height

I would like to set the height as well as the width for the video preview.
Can this be done?
Alt 11. April 2010, 18:57
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cybio will become famous soon enough
AW: Setting height

not yet. and i don't see any advantage to set hight and width, cause using only one of these parameters allows to keep the aspect ratio...
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 11. July 2010, 09:40
henemm henemm ist offline
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henemm is on a distinguished road
AW: Setting height

How do I set aspect ratio? My 16:9 (HD) Videos on YouTube are display in a 4:3 box using letterbox by the plugin.


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