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WordPress: Floatbox Plus Dieses Plugin integriert Floatbox (ein Javascript wie Lightview/box) in WordPress, alle Vorschaubilder mit Link zum Bilder werden automatisch zur Nutzung von Floatbox umgeschrieben (Link: Floatbox Plus)...

Alt 1. December 2010, 12:37
Beiträge: n/a
Is it possible to setup the thumbnails in a grid?

Look at www.colorist.no/portfolio/
They all make up a long list. It would be nicer to look at if it was in a grid rather than a long list like this.

I've tried to all my knowledge (and maybe it's not great enough...) to fix this by opening floatbox_play.css and adjust the different values, but to no avail.

I also tried some adjustments in the CSS for my theme, but nothing happened.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this?
Alt 13. December 2010, 13:59
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cybio will become famous soon enough
AW: Is it possible to setup the thumbnails in a grid?

resolved: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/p...list?replies=1
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