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WordPress: Gallery Widget WordPress-Plugin zum Anzeigen der neusten/zufälligen Bilder der “Builtin Gallery” in Wordpress via Widget in der Sidebar oder direkt im Template mit der PHP-Funktion (Link: Gallery Widget)...

Alt 12. August 2009, 18:08
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Gallery Widget compatible with WordPress 2.8.2

Is the gallery widget compatible with wordpress 2.8.2? The gallery is still doesn't work, i can't see any pictures
Alt 13. August 2009, 22:29
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AW: Gallery Widget compatible with WordPress 2.8.2

1. It is enough to post it one time! (and the forum is the right place) and please use a post with the same topic or create a new one (no cross posting!).

2. At least for me it is working with 2.8.2 (2.8.3 and 2.84).
How do you add your images (i.e. do you use live writer)? are you're images attached to posts (you can check this in the media library)... do you use any other "imagemanipulation"-plugins?
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 16. August 2009, 17:16
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AW: Gallery Widget compatible with WordPress 2.8.2

Hello Cybio.

1. Sorry.
2. When i'm typing a story, i can also add some pictures or videos. This is an option in wordpress right above where i'm writing. Then i'm clicking on tab "URL" and fill in the details, that's how i add some pictures, before adding pictures i'll have to add the pictures via FTP. So theres a map called "images" on my own server, nothing special i'll guess.

I'm not using any plugins or other imaging widgets. The gallery widget is the only widget i'm using.
Alt 16. August 2009, 17:29
Benutzerbild von cybio
cybio cybio ist offline
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cybio will become famous soon enough
AW: Gallery Widget compatible with WordPress 2.8.2

gallery widget depends on the media library! it shows only images which are attached to posts and are saved in media library.

seems that you're not using the media library, as you upload you're images via ftp.
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 16. August 2009, 20:52
Beiträge: n/a
AW: Gallery Widget compatible with WordPress 2.8.2

Ok, but the reason i'm not using the media library is because i can't add images at that way, i receive an error message. But that has nothing to do with the widget


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