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Alt 1. April 2001, 10:34
Beiträge: n/a
Post Looking for German Clan to join

Hello! I know, I know, I know, I should be here in the German PlanetUnreal, but I just want to join a nice German Clan that´d like to have a British-Russian member in its list.

So please contact me via E-Mail, okay?

Cu all and happy fragging ;-)

Alt 1. April 2001, 10:38
Beiträge: n/a
Post Always looking for fresh blood.

Greetings, EvilSoviet. We, The Fragging Bastards [TFB], would really appreciate your presence in our clan. We´re always looking for new members, so: anyone else who´s readin´ this: You can join, too!

Contact us at tfb.liao.de

Have a nice day all.

Alt 1. April 2001, 12:11
Beiträge: n/a
Post Re: Looking for German Clan to join

                great idea,

we`re just looking for members every where and
every time. You don`t have to speak german, cause
we`re speaking english well.(think so)
You just have to play UT on all the classic mods,
dm,tdm,ctf etc.

So, if you want to have fun with a small but
mortal clan...

... join the:
Alt 2. April 2001, 06:59
Beiträge: n/a
Post Re: Looking for German Clan to join


So, visit www.shadowforce.de.vu or www.sdwfrc.2xt.de
ICQ# 98253338
Mail disable@gmx.at
Have Fun!



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