WordPress: Floatbox Plus Dieses Plugin integriert Floatbox (ein Javascript wie Lightview/box) in WordPress, alle Vorschaubilder mit Link zum Bilder werden automatisch zur Nutzung von Floatbox umgeschrieben (Link: Floatbox Plus)...

Alt 10. February 2009, 14:44
Benutzerbild von cybio
cybio cybio ist offline
aka maverick :)
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Ort: unrealEXTREME.de
Beiträge: 3.506
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cybio will become famous soon enough
Exclamation FAQ (english)

Can I use this plugin and Lightview Plus (other any other plugin with similar function) at the same time?

No! (doesn't make sense)

Possible to use this plugin with other plugins (like referrer detector) using the JQuery-Library?

Yes, Floatbox doesn't depend on external JavaScript-Libraries and therefor it is compatible to referrer detector
and other plugins using JQuery.

Is it possible to change the options of floatbox.js without editing the file itself?

Yes and no, actually only some options (theme selection + animation options) can be adjusted at the plugin options page.

How do i embed a video from vimeo (youtube)?

Just follow the instructions of this howto.
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Geändert von cybio (4. March 2009 um 13:27 Uhr)


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