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WordPress: Floatbox Plus Dieses Plugin integriert Floatbox (ein Javascript wie Lightview/box) in WordPress, alle Vorschaubilder mit Link zum Bilder werden automatisch zur Nutzung von Floatbox umgeschrieben (Link: Floatbox Plus)...

Alt 25. April 2009, 13:11
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Exclamation Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

Due to the several changes in the way floatbox 3.50 handles the overlay, the actual Floatbox Plus can't support floatbox 3.50 without breaking support for floatbox 3.24.

Cause i haven't yet decided how i will handle the changes coming with 3.50 (especially the new lincense) or if i will only support 3.24, you have to use the attached floatbox-plus.php (inside the zipfile) to use Floatbox Plus with floatbox 3.50.

Just unzip and upload it to the plugin folder.

--- file deleted: floatbox plus works now without the patch ---
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de

Geändert von cybio (17. July 2009 um 15:44 Uhr)
Alt 25. April 2009, 15:50
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AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

you have to use the attached floatbox-plus.php to use Floatbox Plus with floatbox 3.50.

Just unzip and upload it to the plugin folder.
I can't find the floatbox-plus.php file attached.
Alt 25. April 2009, 20:08
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AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

do you see the attached zipfile?

the .php file is in the zipfile (the board doesn't allow to upload php files directly)...
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 26. April 2009, 11:02
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javi is on a distinguished road
AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

The zipfile contains the floatbox files and directories.


But there is no floatbox-plus.php file inside the zip.
Alt 26. April 2009, 15:32
Benutzerbild von cybio
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AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

seems you have the wrong zip-file (the zipfile you're looking at, is the one of floatbox itself). the zip-file attached to the first post in this thread inlcudes just one file, floatbox-plus.php...
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 27. April 2009, 16:30
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macabrestudios is on a distinguished road
Re: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

I recently purchased a single registration for the floatbox product but have been having problems setting it up. I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction.

I began by installing the "floatbox plus 0.3.3" plugin with my wordpress account from the plugin search library.
After using the automated install features I was told that I needed to "download floatbox(.js)
The link page for said download is down, you get the error message

Download disabled

Due to changes in the licensing the download is actually disabled. Sorry

I'll try to reenable this possibility (as soon as possible).

For more information/download of floatbox check out the website of floatbox.

After reading the read me document that came with my wordpress installation I noticed that the manual install instructions said to upload floatbox.css/.js, framebox.js, graphic folder, and language folder from the latest floatbox download (3.51) available at http://randomous.com/tools/floatbox/download.php. After removing the suggest files and uploading only those files to my wordpress floatbox-plus plugin folder.

I then added the code into my header.php file on wordpress that links to the css and javascript for

I know I am doing something seriously wrong here, but have no idea what it is! Please help, I purchased the registration and really want to use the software.

Do I have to active the License somehow? Do I need to download a newer version, please help!

The domain in question is

I tried using the a href tag here on the first band picture... didn't work
Alt 27. April 2009, 21:31
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cybio will become famous soon enough
AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

1.) floatbox.js and the other files of floatbox have to be put in the folder "..wp-content/plugins/floatbox-plus/floatbox/" and not "...wp-content/plugins/floatbox-plus/" (just put the whole floatbox folder of the downloaded zipfile of floatbox 3.51 in the floatbox-plus folder).
on the options page of floatbox-plus, there should be a warning, if it doesn't find the files in the expected place.

2.) there is no need to add something to the header.php manually, delete them...

if there is no more warning on the options page of floatbox-plus, then everthing should be fine...
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 11. May 2009, 19:50
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AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

It would be professional to include this IMPORTANT information in the WP-Extend / plug-in "installation" information on the site so folks don't have to go searching for it.

Also, what do you mean by "ATTENTION: It only works, if you do not have the embedded video plugin activated"? What embedded video plugin are you referring to? The native WP function?
Alt 12. May 2009, 10:17
Benutzerbild von cybio
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AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

1.) The reason why there is no such info, is simple... i'm a bit frustrated with the license change (as you can read above), and that i don't know how i will handle this.

2.) Means, that if you add videos with the native wpfunction, they won't open with floatbox...
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 29. May 2009, 01:17
ktd ktd ist offline
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Re: AW: Floatbox Plus (patch) for floatbox 3.50

Zitat von cybio Beitrag anzeigen
2.) Means, that if you add videos with the native wpfunction, they won't open with floatbox...
How to add them and get them working then?

I think I found a "bug". If I click the Floatbox embedded video button in Safar 4 on my Mac the video selct screen in dimed and I cant click anything, not even close the window.
If I open Firefox and do the same I can select source in the drop sown etc.

But now I have another quetion... Why can I only select videos from Youtube and Vimeo? I want to use my own mov movies I have on the same server as the rest of my WP pages?

Geändert von ktd (29. May 2009 um 01:35 Uhr)


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