WordPress: Floatbox Plus Dieses Plugin integriert Floatbox (ein Javascript wie Lightview/box) in WordPress, alle Vorschaubilder mit Link zum Bilder werden automatisch zur Nutzung von Floatbox umgeschrieben (Link: Floatbox Plus)...

Alt 25. January 2010, 21:39
cdcr1985 cdcr1985 ist offline
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cdcr1985 is on a distinguished road
Load images

I used this plug-in long time, but now I have limited resources.

When the webpage loads, all images are loaded with the webpage. I want load images when the user clic in the thumbnail. Load every image in Background it's a floatbox feature, because I disable the plugin and clic the images, this load (in new window) when I open it.

How can I do this?
Alt 26. January 2010, 21:30
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cybio cybio ist offline
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AW: Load images

Sorry, but i didn't understand what you want to do... (and what doesn't work?)
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de
Alt 26. January 2010, 22:16
cdcr1985 cdcr1985 ist offline
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cdcr1985 is on a distinguished road
AW: Load images

when you access to any page, loads everything, thumbnails, styles, etc, but when the page it's full loaded, floatbox continues loading the full images links in background.

I want load the image when the user clic in the link (thumbnail), no in the background, because now I don't have enough Bandwidth, and sometimes the user leaves without clic any image link.

example: I have a gallery with 10 photos, 100kb each one, and 5kb per thumbnail, so, if I load everything, I will transfer 1050kb, but if I only transfer thumbnails, I will transfer 50kb and if the user wants to see, the image will load in that moment.
Alt 27. January 2010, 13:18
Benutzerbild von cybio
cybio cybio ist offline
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cybio will become famous soon enough
AW: Load images

ah, i see... You could try the floatbox option "preloadAll" (see http://randomous.com/floatbox/options ). this should stop preloading images (at least, it should only preload 1 image, if this is still to much, you have to contact the author of floatbox: http://randomous.com/forum/forum.php?id=1 ). i'll include this option in the next update, for now you have to set this option manually (i.e. editing floatbox.js).
splash.de /// unrealEXTREME.de >>> unrealLegacy.de

Geändert von cybio (27. January 2010 um 13:38 Uhr)
Alt 27. January 2010, 19:22
cdcr1985 cdcr1985 ist offline
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cdcr1985 is on a distinguished road
AW: Load images

excellent, thanks!


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