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Alt 7. October 2001, 15:14
flotier flotier ist offline
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Post Wo war das doch gleich?

Ich hab grad ebn meine C Pladde formatiert, und UT neu installiert. Bis dahin OK. Jeds arbeidede ich aner Map, bei der ich Textures aus dem Tex-Packet "citytex.utx" benudsd hab. Nur hab ich jeds widda alle Mods draufgemachd, abba drodsdem, fehld das Pack :-/ :'( Weis aina von euch, in welchem Mod, odda in welchm Mappack das Tex-Pack drin war? Odda had aina von euch das Packet, dass es mir vielleichd jemand von euch mailn kann :-[ Wär gans ned!

Alt 8. October 2001, 13:08
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

Wo das TexPack letztendlich dabei war, weiß ich leider auch nicht mehr! Ich habe es jedenfalls und schicke es gerade per e-Mail an dich raus! 8)

Jetzt sag' artig DANKE und freu dich ... ;D


Alt 8. October 2001, 15:06
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

*hehe* ich hab früher geschickt ......bähhhhhhhhh....... *ggggggggggggggggggg* ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Alt 9. October 2001, 09:44
flotier flotier ist offline
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

Also, dann mal Danke an euch BEIDE ;D Abba ich hab noch'n Prob :-/ Ich hab jeds versuchd, ein eigenes Pack zu erstelln : Had nich soo guud geklabbd... Also, ich hab alle extra-Textures, die nich beim Standart UT dabei sinn in ein eigenes importiert. Bis dahin OK. Dann hab ich mid hilfe des Texture Replacer (odda wie des Tool heißd) alle Textures ersetzt. Eigendlich nur aus uttech4.utx unn eben die gesuuchde citytex.utx... Abba wenn ich diese 2 Texture-Packs aus'm "Textures" Verzeichnis verschobn hab, kam imma noch ne Fehlermeldung. Can't find Package uttech4 blablabla... Wenn ich dann uttech4.utx widda ins "Textures" Verzeichnis reinkopied hab, abba noch citytex draußn gelassn hab, kam hald "Can't find Package citytex.... Abba das komische is, dass da nie angezeigt wurde, was für ne Group die Texure is, die die Map brauchd. Also, ich mein, ich hab mal die Map geöffned, als ich noch keine Textures replaced hab, und keine der beidn Packages im "Texture" Verzeichnis hadde... Dann kam zum Beispiel: Can't find Package uttech4.misc1...
Wissd ihr was ich mein? Naja, dann hab ich hald gedachd, ich hab noch'n paar Textures verwended aus uttech... Abba dann hab ich einfach mal ausprobiert: "Select All Surfaces" und die standardtextre drüba gemachd... Unn - Der Selbe Scheiß :-[ :'( Dann hab ich ma die Map in Wordpad geöffned, unn siehe da, da war doch noch'n Eintrag von citytex und uttech4... Vielleichd weiß von euch jemand, was ich jeds machn muss : Warscheinlich habd ihr abba meine Frasche sowieso ned soo guud verschdandn ;D :
Alt 10. October 2001, 13:48
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

Gerade bei so viel Text wäre es hilfreich, wenn du halbwegs DEUTSCH und vor allem DEUTLICH schreiben würdest ...! ;D

Wenn du genau wissen willst, welche Texturen in deiner Map verwendet werden, dann musste im UEd unten in der Console texture cull eingeben! Jo, ich weiß; es geht auch mit dem TexBrowser, aber gibt mal ruhig texture cull ein und schau anschließend in die LogFile! Jetzt solltest du wirklich ALLE Texturen aufgelistet bekommen, die in deiner Map irgendwie Verwendung finden ...! 8)


Alt 11. October 2001, 00:57
Benutzerbild von Brother_Kerensky
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

wo bekomm ich eigentlich die ganzen Comands für das log fenster her Capt. ???
solche fehler hab ichnauch bei meiner map weil das ist eine für TO und ich benutz UT Standart eigene und TO Texels naja das ist verwirrend kann ich mit diesem Textur replacer eine Textur anwählen und diese mit einer andren Tex aus einem andren Package replacen ? das spart mir arbeit
(müsste sonst alle benutzten Tex exporten und importen   das wäre echt arbeit  : 8)

cya daniel

Alt 11. October 2001, 03:36
Benutzerbild von VoodooUT
VoodooUT VoodooUT ist offline
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

So, ich mach hier einfach mal ein Copy/Paste ... ;D

Command Line Parameters
-alladmin: Enable all players administrative access to the server.
-conflicts: Show objects of different classes whose names conflict.
-editor: Runs Unreal for editing.
-firstrun: Re-asks the "First Run" questions in Unreal.
-log: Runs with the log window initially visible.
-nobind: Don't treat UnrealScript/C++ binding errors as critical, for rebuilding scripts and avoiding the chicken-and-egg binding problem.
-noddraw: Disables DirectDraw support.
-nodsound: Disables DirectSound support.
-nogc: Disables garbage collection.
-nohard: Disables 3d hardware support.
-nok6: Disable AMD K6-3D support.
-nolog: Don't show log window.
-nommx: Disables MMX support.
-noreplace: Don't automatically replace textures, sounds, and music if they are not found.
-nosound: Disables sound.
-nowarn: Disables warning message boxes on the screen.
-profile: When C++ is compiled with DO_SLOW_GUARD=1, generates an UnrealScript function profile using the timings in the most recently played level only.
-make: Rebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files.
-make -h: Rebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files and generate a C++ header for each package.
-safe: Runs Unreal in "safe mode", avoiding loading any device drivers which could crash if there are hardware/driver problems.
-server: Runs as a dedicated server.
-showdep: Causes script compiler to log dependency information when recompiling scripts.
-silent: Run silently, with no log window, and no display of error messages. Critical errors just cause the engine to exit silently.
-strict: Treat all script warnings as critical errors; useful for tracking down the call stack when debugging scripts.
INI=inifilename: Sets the .ini file to use for configuration, normally Unreal.ini.
LOG=logfilename: Uses the specified log file instead of Unreal.log. Useful when running multiple copies on the same machine.
MULTIHOME= Sets the "home" ip address (in numerical format) for Unreal of a machine with multiple network cards.
PORT=num: Sets the UDP port number for the Internet server.
READINI=inifilename: Sets the .ini file for reading only (not for writing); overrides the INI= option.

C++ Console Commands (Only works on the local machine)
ADMIN: Sends a console command to the server you're connected to. You must be an administrator in order to use this.
BRIGHTNESS: Cycle through 10 screen brightness values.
CHAT: Brings up a prompt to type chat text.
CANCEL: Cancels an "open" command in progress that is trying to connect to a network server.
CDTRACK num: Play the specified CD track.
CONSOLE FULL: Make the console fullscreen.
CONSOLE HIDE: Hide the console.
CONSOLE SHOW: Show the console.
CPUSPEED=#: Identify your CPU speed, useful for machines which don't autodetect their speed properly. For example, CPUSPEED=266.
DEBUG CRASH: Test crashing the game by appError.
DEBUG EATMEM: Test allocating memory until it fills up.
DEBUG GPF: Test a general protection fault.
DEBUG RECURSE: Test crash by infinite recursion.
DUMPCACHE: Display the contents of the memory cache GCache.
DUMPNATIVES: Display a list of unused native function ids.
EDITACTOR CLASS=classname: During game play, edits the properties of the nearest actor belonging to that class. Cool for debugging.
ENDFULLSCREEN: Go back to playing in a window.
EXEC filename: Execute the console commands in the filename, default is in the System directory.
EXIT: Exit the program.
FLUSH: Flush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc.
FLY: Fly around (instead of walking). See WALK.
FOV angle: Set the field of view, for example "FOV 90" for 90 degrees.
GHOST: Fly around and go through walls (see WALK).
HIDEACTORS: Hide actors during game play.
JUMPTO x y z: In UnrealEd, move the viewport to a certain X,Y,Z location, useful in conjunction with tester reports generated with the REPORT command.
LOADGAME num: Load a game in position 0-9.
MARK: Mark all objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARKCHECK).
MARKCHECK: Display a list of all unmarked objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARK).
MEM: List memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory-tracking option (it's usually not).
MEMSTAT: Show Windows overall memory statistics.
MUSICORDER num: Change to a certain track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense).
OBJ CLASSES: Prints a list of all loaded classes.
OBJ DEPENDENCIES PACKAGE=pkgname EXCLUDE1=otherpackage EXCLUDE2=otherpackage...: !!
OBJ GARBAGE: Collect and purge garbage ("garbage" means objects which are no longer in use).
OBJ HASH: Show object hashing statistics.
OBJ LINKERS: Show a list of active linkers (each linker is responsible for loading objects from a package file).
OBJ LIST CLASS=objectclass INSIDE=insideclass: List all objects belonging to the class and residing inside the specified object. *If the class isn't specified, lists ALL objects. *If the inside object isn't specified, shows all objects. *Gives a summary of memory usage. *This is very useful during game play for figuring out how much memory is being used. *In UnrealEd, this statistic isn't useful because a huge amount of extra stuff is loaded which might not be used by your map.
OBJ REFS CLASS=objectclass NAME=objectname: Show a list of objects which reference the object you specify. *When trimming memory usage, this is useful for figuring out why some object is being loaded.
OPEN url: Opens a local map (i.e. "unreal.unr&quot or an Internet server (i.e. "" or "unreal.epicgames.com&quot.
PREFERENCES: Displays the preferences in a window.
REPORT: Copies a report of the current gameplay situation to the clipboard. *You can then paste the resulting text into an email program, Notepad, etc. Extremely useful for beta testers, because it dumps the player's X,Y,Z location, the difficulty level, etc.
RMODE: Set the rendering mode. 0-9.
SAVEGAME num: Save the game in a specified position, 0-9.
SHOT: Take a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp.
SHOWACTORS: Shows actors during gameplay.
SOCKETS: In network play, shows a list of network sockets (UNetConnection's) in use.
STAT ACTOR: Shows various statistics.
TOGGLEFULLSCREEN: Toggles fullscreen mode on and off.
TYPE: Types text on the console.
URL urlname: In network play, parses a URL and displays its components.
VIEWUP: Sizes the view up.
VIEWDOWN: Sizes the view down.
WALK: Walk around normally (see FLY, GHOST).

UnrealScript console commands (Can be used by remote administrators)
ADDBOTS <number>: Adds more bots to the game.
ALLAMMO: Gives you all the ammo for your current weapons.
GOD: Makes you invincible.
INVISIBLE: Makes you invisible.
KILLALL <class name>: Kills all actors of a certain class, for example "KILLALL UNREALI.BRUTE".
KILLPAWNS: Kills all monsters.
PLAYERSONLY: Pauses all non-player actors in the game. Cool for debugging scripts, taking screenshots.
SAY <message string>: Broadcast a message to other players in the game.
SLOMO <number>: Sets the game speed, 1.0 is normal.
SETNAME <newname>: Change your name (works in network play too).
SETTEAM <newname>: Change your team (works in network play only when the rules allow).
SUMMON <class name>: Spawns an actor of the specified class (for example, SUMMON UNREALI.BRUTE) in front of the player.
SWITCHCOOPLEVEL <new level URL>: Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level with coop-style weapon carrying between levels.
SWITCHLEVEL <new level URL>: Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level.

Wem noch welche einfallen, der soll sie bitte hier im Thread ergänzen!


Alt 11. October 2001, 03:46
Benutzerbild von VoodooUT
VoodooUT VoodooUT ist offline
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VoodooUT is on a distinguished road
Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

So und jetzt kommen die UEd-Konsolen-Kommandos: ;D
... auch hier wieder per Copy/Paste

ACTOR ADD CLASS=<CLASS> add actor of class <class> (ie: CLASS=ASMD) * * * * * * * * *
ACTOR APPLYTRANSFORM applies the transform permanently to selected brushes *
ACTOR CLIP Z In wireframe view it culls brushes that are after a certain distance. The distance being determined by where the Active brush is when it's pressed. Press again to disable. Useful for complex maps. *
ACTOR DELETE deletes currently selected actor *
ACTOR DUPLICATE duplicates currently selected actor *
ACTOR HIDE SELECTED hides the currently selected actors / brushes *
ACTOR HIDE UNSELECTED hides any actors / brushes that are not currently selected *
ACTOR KEYFRAME NUM=# set the current actor to key frame number # *
ACTOR MIRROR X mirrors the selected actor about the X axis *
ACTOR MIRROR Y mirrors the selected actor about the Y axis *
ACTOR MIRROR Z mirrors the selected actor about the Z axis *
ACTOR REPLACE BRUSH replace selected brush with the builder brush (ie. *If you select an added brush and issue this command it will be replaced with another added brush that is the shape of the current builder brush, same for all other brush types) *
ACTOR REPLACE CLASS=<CLASS> replace selected actor with actor of class type <class> (ie: CLASS=ASMD) *
ACTOR RESET ALL resets the selected brush (Location, Pivot,Rotation and Scale *
ACTOR RESET LOCATION resets the selected brush's Location *
ACTOR RESET PIVOT resets the selected brush's Pivot *
ACTOR RESET ROTATION resets the selected brush's Rotation *
ACTOR RESET SCALE resets the selected brush's Scale *
ACTOR SELECT ALL selects all brushes / actors within the map *
ACTOR SELECT INSIDE selects all brushes / actors within the builder brush *
ACTOR SELECT INVERT inverts the state of selected to unselected or vise versa *
ACTOR SELECT NONE deselect the selected actors *
ACTOR SELECT OFCLASS CLASS=<CLASS> selects all actors of class type <class> *
ACTOR SELECT OFSUBCLASS CLASS=<CLASS> selects all actors of subclass type <class> *
ACTOR UNHIDE ALL shows all actors / brushes that may have been hidden *
BRUSH ADD creates an additive brush *
BRUSH ADDMOVER creates a mover brush *
BRUSH APPLYTRANSFORM transform the selected brush permanetly *
BRUSH FROM DEINTERSECTION creates new brush from the deintersection operation *
BRUSH FROM INTERSECTION creates new brush from the intersection operation *
BRUSH SUBTRACT creates a subtractive brush *
BRUSHCLIP performs the clipping operation on the selected brush *
BRUSHCLIP DELETE deletes the verticies used to perform brush clipping operation *
BRUSHCLIP FLIP flips selection arrow denoting what side of brush to clip *
BRUSHCLIP SPLIT splits the selected brush along the clipping plane *
BSP REBUILD [LAME/GOOD/OPTIMAL] [BALANCE=0-100] [LIGHTS] [MAPS] [REJECT] rebuild BSP with default settings or custom settings in brackets *
CAMERA ALIGN aligns the camera on the currently selected actors/ brushes *
CAMERA CLOSE FREE closes all free viewports or FREE can be substituded for the name of a specific viewport *
CAMERA HIDESTANDARD hides all standard viewports *
CAMERA OPEN opens a new viewport *
CAMERA UPDATE updates viewport *
CLASS LOAD FILE=<FILENAME> load class from file *
CLASS NEW create new class *
CLASS SPEW ALL exports all scripts to your UT folder, folders are created for each class. *ALL can replaced with specific class (ie BOTPACK) *
DELETE deletes selected actors / brushes *
DUPLICATE duplicates selected actors / brushes *
EDCALLBACK SURFPROPS bring up the surface properties of selected poly *
EDIT COPY copies selected actors / brushes *
EDIT CUT cuts selected actors / brushes *
EDIT PASTE pastes selected actors / brushes *
JUMPTO X,Y,Z puts all viewports centered on entered coordinates *
LEVEL LINKS update teleporter links *
LEVEL REDRAW redraws the level views updating any changes *
LEVEL VALIDATE validate the level, find errors *
LIGHT APPLY applies lights in your level *
LSTATS displays lighting stats *
MAP [LOAD/SAVE/IMPORT/EXPORT] FILE=<filename> executes the load, save and import commands with the given filename *
MAP BRUSH GET copy selected brush to builder brush *
MAP BRUSH PUT move selected brush to builder brush location and take on shape of builder brush *
MAP NEW start new map *
MAP REBUILD rebuild map (geometry/bsp) *
MAP SELECT ADDS selects all additive brushes in the map *
MAP SELECT FIRST select the first created brush in the level *
MAP SELECT LAST select the last created brush in the level *
MAP SELECT NONSOLIDS selects all nonsolid brushes in the map *
MAP SELECT SEMISOLIDS *selects all semisolid brushes in the map *
MAP SELECT SUBTRACTS selects all subtractive brushes in the map *
MAP SENDTO FIRST send selected brush to the beginning of the bulding process *
MAP SENDTO LAST send selected brush to the end of the building process *
MODE BRUSHROTATE puts editor in brush rotate mode *
MODE BRUSHSCALE puts editor in brush scaling mode *
MODE BRUSHSHEER puts editor in brush sheer mode *
MODE BRUSHSNAP puts editor in brush snap mode *
MODE BRUSHSTRETCH puts editor in brush stretching mode *
MODE CAMERAMOVE puts editor in camera moving mode *
MODE CAMERAZOOM puts editor in camera zoom mode *
MODE FACEDRAG just try and have phun *
MODE GRID=[1,0] turns grid on or off (1 = On, 0 = Off) *
MODE ROTGRID=[1,0] turns rotational grid on or off (1 = On, 0 = Off) *
MODE SHOWVERTICES=[1,0] turns vertices on or off (1 = On, 0 = Off) *
MODE SNAPDIST= distance of vertex to grid intersection before snapping to it *
MODE SNAPVERTEX=[1,0] turns vertex snap on or off (1 = On, 0 = Off) *
MODE SPEED= movement speed 1,2, or 3 *
MODE TEXTURELOCK=[1,0] turns texture lock on or off (1 = On, 0 = Off) - If texture lock is on then textures will not be reset on brushes that are vetex manipulated *
MODE TEXTUREPAN puts editor in texture pan mode *
MODE TEXTUREROTATE puts editor in texture rotate mode *
MODE TEXTURESCALE puts edtor in texture scaling mode *
PATHS BUILD auto create pathnode network - opt=1 *
PATHS BUILD HIGHOPT auto create pathnode network - opt=2 *
PATHS BUILD LOWOPT auto create pathnode network - opt=0 *
PATHS DEFINE create reachspecs *
PATHS HIDE hide pathnodes *
PATHS REMOVE remove all pathnodes *
PATHS SHOW show pathnodes *
PATHS UNDEFINE remove all reachspecs *
PIVOT HERE places a pivot a the previously selected grid point *
PIVOT SNAPPED snaps pivot to grid *
POLY DEFAULT TEXTURE=<PACKAGE.GROUP.TEXTURE> sets the default texture in the texture browser *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT ALL selects all adjacent polys *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT CEILINGS selects all adjacent ceiling polys *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT COPLANARS selects all adjacent coplaner polys *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT FLOORS selects all adjacent floor polys *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS selects all adjacent polys on the same slant *
POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS selects all adjacent wall polys *
POLY SELECT ALL selects all polys in the map *
POLY SELECT MATCHING TEXTURE selects all matching surfaces that share the same applied texture *
POLY SELECT MEMORY selects any polys that have been remembered in memory *
POLY SELECT NONE deselect any currently selected poly *
POLY SELECT REVERSE inverts the state of selected to unselected or vise versa *
POLY SELECT ZONE selects all polys in the current zone *
POLY SET TEXTURE=<PACKAGE.GROUP.TEXTURE> sets the poly to the given texture *
POLY SETTEXTURE sets the poly to the current selected texture *
POLY TEXALIGN FLOOR aligns the textures to the floor plane *
POLY TEXALIGN ONETILE aligns textures to one tile fitting *
POLY TEXALIGN WALLCOLUMN aligns texture to Wallcolumn *
POLY TEXALIGN WALLDIR aligns the textures to the wall plane *
POLY TEXALIGN WALLPAN pans out the textures on the wall plane *
POLY TEXINFO displays information about the texture like scaling multipliers *
POLY TEXPAN U=# V=# pans textures along the U and V axis by the supplied number of units *
POLY TEXSCALE U=# V=# UV=# VU=# Scales the texture by numbers entered for U and V and skews the texture for numbers entered for UV and VU *
SCRIPT MAKE compile scripts *
SELECT NONE deselect any selected actor *
SETCURRENTCLASS CLASS=<CLASS> set the current class to <class> *
SHOWINV toggle the showing of inventory spots *
TEXTURE APPLYDETAIL Apply the "current detail texture" to the texture selected in the texture browser *
TEXTURE BATCHAPPLY DETAIL=[DetailTextureName | None] [PREFIX=TextureNameMatchingPrefix] [OVERRIDE=[TRUE | FALSE]] Search through all texture packages optionally searching for matches against the "TextureNameMatchingPrefix" for all textures found, apply DetailTextureName as the new detail texture. *If a detail texture already exists and OVERRIDE=FALSE, then skip the texture *
TEXTURE CLEARDETAIL Clear the "current detail texture *
TEXTURE CULL Remove Textures references on all Non Visible Surfaces *
TEXTURE REPLACEDETAIL Search through all texture packages for occurrences of detail textures that match the texture currently selected in the texture browser. *If a match is found, replace the texture's detail texture with the "current detail texture. *
TEXTURE SETDETAIL Set the "current detail texture" to the current the texture browser selection *
TRANSACTION REDO redo previous action *
TRANSACTION UNDO undo previous action

Wer noch welche auf Lager hat, sollte sie dann bitte in diesen Thread posten ... 8)


Alt 11. October 2001, 05:16
Beiträge: n/a
Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

aaaaaaaaaaahhhh ja.... ;D !

Noch ne Frage (bitte verzeih wenn ich mir deine Posts nciht durchgelsen hab und das Command da irgendwo drinsteht ;D) :
Kann ich irgendwo eine bestimmte Textur, die ich in er Map verwendet hab, direkt anzeigen lassen, d.h. dass z.B. der Brush mit der Textur markiert is oder sogar die Kamera da hin springt ? Ich hab nämlich z.B. in meiner Map noch 4 Texturen, die ich eigentlich weghaben wollte, aber ncht finden kann. Allerdings will ich sie nicht mit dem Texture Replacer beseitigen, da ich natürlich wissen müsste, wie das danach aussieht. Geht das irgendwie ?
Alt 11. October 2001, 06:08
Benutzerbild von Madze
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Post Re: Wo war das doch gleich?

Hey Howdy, die hast du doch aus dem Toolbar Creator, nicht?


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