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Alt 29. December 2001, 06:40
Benutzerbild von ux]pickel
ux]pickel ux]pickel ist offline
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ux]pickel is on a distinguished road
UT hängt sich auf beim Serverabfragen

Das liegt an einer Spyware, die ihr einfach nur entfernen müsst, danach sollte es laufen.

I think it has to do with ?newdotnet2_109.dll? (spyware module part of ?new.net??, ren&del wont work) it?s doing something to Winsock2. Haw many of you have ?newdotnet2_109.dll? and when was created? (My on 07-03-01)

My problem started on 07-03-2001 as most of you.
Ok now how I fixed my computer.
1. Download "Ad-aware Release 5.5"
2. Install it.
3. Run the program:
a. select ?Scan Registry?
b. ?Scan now?
c. ?Continue?
d. select all (I had 13)
e. ?Backup?(if you want)
f. ?Continue?(on the end I got message ?Previous Winsock2 configuration has been restored??)
4. Restart computer

here is the link for the program that will fix it:
Am besten macht das backup bei punkt E falls ein fehler unterläuft :]
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